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Written by  Tuesday, 07 February 2012
Published in 2012 Blog Articles

What state are your relationships in?

Do you have a bunch of "friends" whom you rarely check on, speak to, or listen to what they have to say? Does that mirror your relationship with Jesus Christ?

He desires to check on you (be with you always), speak to you and to listen to you, but we rarely take the time to hear Him. We become too busy with work, home, activities, and so many of the worlds distractions that we neglect the one thing that holds all that we need, a RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ!

A friend of mine asked me "So why have you been talking to me lately?"

I declared part of my conviction from God that through my relationship with Him, I am now free to have a relationship with others! He removed the distractions that I had and enabled me to focus on what is really important, but I first had to focus solely on Him.

What are you focused on and how are your relationships?

Maybe we need to rediscover THE RELATIONSHIP, so we can grow our relationships with others.

Scripture References:

Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 28:20, Mark 4:9, Exodus 20:3, 1 John 1:7

Brian Flood

Brian is a dynamic student and expositor of the Word of God. Once being lost, he has now dedicated his life to his family, friends, and all those who he encounters, to share the love of Jesus with them and through him.