Manifesting Prosperity Tonja Waring

The Manifesting Success Journal, Video Series and Affirmation CD

These are the affirmations that author, Tonja Waring, received as she was moving from poverty to prosperity in 2010. Each daily affirmation is tuned to open your channels to receiving. The process for getting clear on what you want and how to focus your mindset is included in your 5 minutes a day to success program.

  • Also, you will receive DAILY VIDEO TUTORIALS right to your email inbox to keep you on track so you can successfully and powerfully complete the program.
  • BONUS!!! And, you will receive the Manifesting Prosperity in 33 Days Affirmations CD! You can listen to these Affirmations twice a day in any relaxed environment. You are authorized to copy and redistribute to friends and family as long as you do not make them available for resale. I have handed these out to my entire sales teams and watched their energy (and sales) increase!

You will:

  • Receive daily inspiration and support, as Tonja delivers directly to your inbox a daily video showing you exactly how to manifesting prosperity with your Success Journal.
  • Learn how to harness the natural energy of the Law of Attraction and raise your vibration to knew levels so you can attract greater experiences into your life!
  • Become very clear on what you truly desire SO YOU CAN REALLY GO AFTER IT!! Clarity is the seed to prosperity. Millionaires know what they want.
  • Discover the power that has been within you all along!

This Manifesting Prosperity Daily Success Journal in full color takes you on a journey to answer the secret to living the life you've always dreamed of. You will discover the power of asking for what you want--and learn that it is always given.

You will be given a specific affirmation and 5-minute daily process UNLOCK THE SECRET CODES TO PROSPERITY every single day without hours of meditation or yoga! Proven methods will restore your happiness and a sense of joy.

Full Package $97 *Includes: Video Series (emailed to you), Success Journal & Affirmation CD

Success Journal $47

Affirmation CD $19.97