Saturday, 03 January 2015 05:23

Insight To Our Shepherd


The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want.  Psalm 23:1


We are all familiar with this scripture and some even quote it most often when we are faced with an impending situation for which we are not sure the direction we should go.  In this we are, at the very least, verbally acknowledging we need Christ to lead and guide us.


While studying the Old Testament Shepherd, I discovered many remarkable things about this very common, but often lonely and despised craft.  The Shepard was usually alone, and was left with the sole responsibility of protecting the entire flock from wolves, bears, lions, and a host of pitfalls, traps and situations, all while many different sheep would often stray, as if they knew better the way to go than the Shepherd.


What was the Shepherd’s recourse?  How did he maintain His flock and teach them to stay close to Him?  We know about the rod and the staff the Shepherd carried.  One was used to ward of predators, and the other was used to pull back a sheep from and impending dangerous cliff or pitfall, or simply to bring the sheep closer to the Shepherd when the sheep strayed too far.


Every so often, the Shepherd would have a sheep, which despite repeated warnings and continued being reined in, the Shepherd would take the sheep and break its leg.  Sound harsh?  No doubt it was painful for the sheep.  But then the Shepherd did something amazing.  He would place the sheep over His shoulder and carry the sheep.  The sheep, which no doubt felt every step and jolt the Shepherd made as He walked the rugged hillside, would learn to sync up with the Shepherd, to minimize his pain.  He would even become so in sync with the Shepherd; his heartbeat would beat in rhythmic cadence with the Shepard.  Once the sheep healed, he was let down to romp and play again, but he never strayed to far from the Shepherd, who demonstrated He how much He truly loved the sheep.


Does this reflect events in your life?  Have you strayed a few times?  Has our Shepherd broken your leg and placed you over His shoulder, placing His heart next to yours? 


The sooner you sync up with His will, the sooner you will be whole and well.


Published in 2015 Blog Articles

At The Table w/Brian Flood

At The Table with Brian Flood

"At the Table" is an open forum discussion available via Internet Radio and TV.

Our goal is to come to the Table of God and break Bread together, growing and feeding upon His way of handling everyday life situations.

The show features guests who have overcome life's challenges and adversities, all while maintaining sound Christian doctrine and principles.

We encourage our listeners to call in with their questions during the live show!


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The Manifesting Success Journal, Video Series and Affirmation CD.

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Each daily affirmation is tuned to open your channels to receiving. The process for getting clear on what you want and how to focus your mindset is included in your 5 minutes a day to success program.