Single Mom On Fire Tonja Waring

Single moms and dads, entrepreneurs, and anyone who has wondered, "How did I get here?" will absolutely love and appreciate this heart-warming and humorous saga about overcoming tough times.
Tonja Waring keeps it very real as she takes you on her personal journey from divorce and the utter despair of facing foreclosure, bankruptcy, and unemployment to rising up as a single mom to manifest the best life possible for her three young children.
Here's her story...
After sending out over 200 resumes with no results and being denied welfare, in a desperate plea for help, she asked God to bring her something that was worthy of who she was. Little did she know that she had just discovered the first step in the Manifesting Process™ that would forever change her life. Two weeks later, she was hired by a small pillow company.
In only two years she was instrumental in that company growing from $500,000 to $50 million. She appeared on national television 180 times a day and wrote one of the most profitable ads ever written. God has continued to have a hand in her life as she spreads a message of hope and inspiration to most everyone she meets.
She teaches the processes for changing your mindset so you can attract greater things to you. She teaches that it is possible to move forward with grace and dignity and matter what.
Autographed by Tonja with a personal, inspirational message just for you.